Saturday, 9 January 2016

56 years old Muslim woman thrown out of Donald Trump's rally.

Muslim woman was removed from Donald Trump's campaign event in South Carolina on Friday after standing in silent protest after comments he made about immigration.

Rose Hamid, 56, stood up during the Republican frontrunner's speech in Rock Hill when he suggested that Syrian refugees fleeing war in Syria were affiliated with the Islamic State.

Wearing a hijab and a shirt that read 'Salam, I come in peace,' Mrs Hamid had hoped that her presence might manage to change the opinion some Trump supporters have about members of the Islam faith.

But supporters around her began loudly chanting "Trump Trump" and demanded Mrs Manid, a 56-year-old flight attendant, leave.

One person shouted, "You have a bomb, you have a bomb," according to Mrs Hamid.

But supporters around her began loudly chanting "Trump Trump" and demanded Mrs Manid, a 56-year-old flight attendant, leave.

Major Steven Thompson of the Rock Hill Police Department told CNN Mrs Hamid was thrown out of the event because the campaign told him beforehand that "anybody who made any kind of disturbance" should be escorted out.

Mr Trump has previously made controversial calls for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the US.

Protesters repeatedly disrupted a Trump rally in Vermont on Thursday evening, despite attempts by his staff to screen the crowd.

Rally-goers with tickets in hand were asked as they entered whether they supported Trump. Those who said they didn't were promptly escorted out of the building.

"It's not what I expected," said Adam Linnebur, who is supporting Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders but noted that nothing on his ticket said he had to support Trump. He was turned away.

Trump defended the decision.

"We have more than 20,000 people that showed up for 1,400 spots. I'm taking care of my people, not people who don't want to vote for me or are undecided," he said in a statement released by his campaign.

The event was nonetheless interrupted repeatedly by protesters, who were escorted out of the theater. Vermont is a staunchly Democratic state and the place where Sanders, a Vermont senator, got his political start.

At first, Trump seemed to embrace the disruptions. "Isn't this more exciting?" he asked.

Later, he suggested that security staffers confiscate protesters' coats, noting that it was below freezing outside. Then his patience appeared to wear thin, and he suggested that security officers were afraid to respond with force.

"This is why we're losing control of our country. This is why. We lose control of our country 'cause everybody's afraid to do anything," he said.

Trump's rally was scheduled for the same time as President Barack Obama's televised town hall on gun violence in America. While Trump often vows to eliminate gun-free zones if he's elected, he expanded his pledge Thursday to include schools.

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